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SCADA & Database



We work with SCADA systems to monitor and control processes as appropriate so that this can be done remotely by the relevant personnel.

The key process information can then be stored in a database and used for analysis for example:


  • Targeting downtime causes
  • Understanding process behaviours to gain cycle time improvements
  • Reporting production figures
  • Data forensics in times of quality issues

 If both SCADA and a Database Server exist onsite, the potential is there to

  • Automatically generate and email  reports
  • Escalate process issues to the relevant people
  • Plan machine downtime
  • web-based query of report data

Key benefits of the systems:

  • Large capacity for data storage
  • Data integrity is maintained , no errors with manual entry of data
  • Process alarms visible and logged for future interrogation
  • Logging of key process parameters with date and time for quality records and troubleshooting
  • Comprehensive process information without always needing to be on the shop floor.
  • Automating frequently run reports frees up time for other tasks.




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